The Truth About Cybill Shepherd's Relationship History

Publish date: 2024-04-06

Cybill Shepherd first met Peter Bogdanovich, who would direct her in "The Last Picture Show," at an audition where she sat on the floor of his hotel room and picked at a flower. "The immediate attraction was so strong, I was flummoxed," she writes in her memoir, "Cybill Disobedience." She also notes that Bogdanovich was particularly impressed by her Glamour cover, which he said possessed a "fresh, sexual threat" that would work perfectly for the character of Jacy.

When the two finally got together, Shepherd's on-set affair with director Peter Bogdanovich was a scandal; Bogdanovich left his wife and kids for the much-younger actor. In her memoir, Shepherd writes of the guilt that briefly came with the affair. "The morning after, I woke up quite healthy," she recalled, and she decided to go wherever it took her. A few months after filming ended, they moved in together, though in a joint People profile a few years into their relationship, the duo claimed not to be interested in marriage. "Does she look like a Mrs. Bogdanovich?" the director quipped, while Shepherd joked about her mother telling her she was "living in sin." 

Bogdanovich later admitted to having cheated on Shepherd. "I was screwing around in Singapore [while filming] 'Saint Jack,' and she came to visit and she got what was going on," he revealed to Vulture. In her memoir, though, Shepherd copped to cheating on him as well.
