How to get to Versailles from Eiffel Tower by train?

Publish date: 2024-04-07

Getting from the Eiffel Tower to Versailles by train is a convenient and popular option for travelers looking to explore this famous palace and its stunning gardens. The journey takes approximately 45 minutes, and there are a few different routes you can take.

One of the easiest ways to reach Versailles from the Eiffel Tower is to take the RER C train. From the Eiffel Tower, you can walk to the Champ de Mars – Tour Eiffel RER station, which is located just a few minutes away. Once at the station, you’ll need to purchase a ticket for the RER C line, heading in the direction of Versailles-Château – Rive Gauche. Trains typically run every 15 minutes or so, making it fairly convenient to catch one. The journey itself is quite scenic, as the train passes through the beautiful outskirts of Paris before reaching Versailles.

Another option is to take the metro to a nearby RER station and then transfer to the RER C line. You can take either Line 6 or Line 9 of the metro to reach the closest RER station, which is the Invalides stop. From there, you can transfer to the RER C line and continue your journey to Versailles.

It’s important to note that the RER C line can be quite crowded during peak hours, so it’s advisable to plan your trip outside of those times if possible. Additionally, it’s a good idea to check the train schedule in advance, as there may be occasional disruptions or changes due to maintenance work or other factors.


1. How much does a train ticket from Eiffel Tower to Versailles cost?

The cost of a train ticket from the Eiffel Tower to Versailles varies depending on several factors, such as the type of ticket you choose and the time of day. However, as of the latest information, a one-way ticket typically costs around 4-5 euros per person. It’s worth noting that discounts may be available for children, seniors, and groups, so it’s a good idea to inquire about any applicable discounts when purchasing your tickets.

2. Are there any direct trains from Eiffel Tower to Versailles?

Unfortunately, there are no direct trains from the Eiffel Tower to Versailles. You will need to take the RER C line and make a transfer at a nearby station, such as the Invalides stop, before continuing your journey to Versailles. However, the transfer is usually quite straightforward and convenient if you plan your route in advance.

3. How long does the train journey from Eiffel Tower to Versailles take?

The train journey from the Eiffel Tower to Versailles takes approximately 45 minutes. However, it’s important to factor in additional time for walking to the RER station and waiting for the train. It’s advisable to allow at least an hour for the entire journey to ensure you have enough time to explore Versailles.

4. Can I use a Paris Metro ticket to travel to Versailles?

Yes, you can use a Paris Metro ticket to travel to Versailles, as the RER C line is part of the Paris public transportation system. However, it’s important to note that the regular Paris Metro ticket only covers travel within the city limits of Paris. To travel to Versailles, you will need to purchase an additional ticket, which can be done at the RER station or through ticket vending machines.

5. Are there any guided tours available from Eiffel Tower to Versailles?

Yes, there are several guided tours available that offer transportation from the Eiffel Tower to Versailles. These tours typically include round-trip transportation, skip-the-line access to the palace, and a guided tour of the palace and its gardens. This can be a convenient option for those who prefer a guided experience and want to make the most of their visit to Versailles.

6. Can I visit the gardens of Versailles without entering the palace?

Yes, you can visit the gardens of Versailles without entering the palace. The gardens are open to the public free of charge, except on certain days when musical fountain shows or other special events are taking place. It’s a great option for those who want to enjoy the stunning landscapes and fountains without the need for a palace ticket.

7. Are there any audio guides available at Versailles?

Yes, audio guides are available for rent at Versailles. These guides provide detailed information about the palace’s history, its architecture, and its notable rooms and artworks. They are available in multiple languages, including English, and can enhance your visit by providing additional context and insights.

8. Can I use a credit card to purchase train tickets to Versailles?

Yes, most ticket vending machines at the RER stations accept credit cards as a form of payment. This can be a convenient option if you do not have cash on hand or prefer to pay with a credit card. However, it’s always a good idea to have a backup payment method, such as cash or a debit card, in case of any technical issues with the vending machines.

9. Is it necessary to book tickets in advance for Versailles?

While it’s not mandatory to book tickets in advance for Versailles, it is highly recommended, especially during high season or weekends. Booking in advance can help you skip the long lines and ensure that you have a designated entry time for the palace. You can book tickets online through the official website or through authorized ticket vendors.

10. Can I take a taxi from the Eiffel Tower to Versailles instead of the train?

Yes, you can take a taxi from the Eiffel Tower to Versailles if you prefer. Taxis are widely available in Paris, and you can easily find one near the Eiffel Tower. However, it’s worth noting that taking a taxi can be more expensive and may be subject to traffic conditions. The train is generally more cost-effective and efficient for traveling between the two destinations.

11. Are there any restaurants or cafes near Versailles?

Yes, there are several restaurants and cafes located near Versailles, offering a range of dining options for visitors. Whether you’re looking for a quick bite or a leisurely meal, you’ll find something to suit your taste. Some establishments even offer stunning views of the palace and its gardens, allowing you to enjoy a meal with a view.

12. Are there any hotels near Versailles?

Yes, there are several hotels located near Versailles, ranging from luxury accommodations to more budget-friendly options. Staying near Versailles can be a great option if you want to fully immerse yourself in the beauty and history of the palace. Additionally, it allows you to explore Versailles at your own leisure, without the need to worry about commuting back to Paris.

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