Survivor Series 2011 : Team Rock vs. Team Cena

Publish date: 2024-04-23
I love the idea but the teams people are putting forward make no sense at all. I am fully aware that there is a good 7 months till Survivor Series and things can change but as things stand they are completely stupid.

I also gotta draw issue as to why Cena and Rock would be managers? Surely both could be participants in this match? Ok, it 'might' just take away the magnitude of Wrestlemania 28 being their first 'active' meeting in the ring but Survivor Series is one of the 'big 4' events each year and would only increase buys! It wouldnt do The Rock any halm for a 'tune up' match. Hell, they could even bring this forward to Summerslam? Last year we had Team WWE vs Nexus! Anyway........whenever it is held, my teams would be:

Team Rock
The Rock
Chris Jericho
The Big Show
Mark Henry

The Rocks 4 guys are all from the Attitude era. Jericho will probably return as a face, Show and Kane are faces and all 3 have history with The Rock. History but respect. Mark Henry is an old friend as he was in the NOD.

Team Cena
John Cena
Randy Orton
The Miz
Evan Bourne

I am not saying this will be the team but again all 4 make sense. Randy Orton and Cena have joined forces recently a few times. Both are the top faces in the business. Prton has publicy stuck up for Cena. R-Truth is an onscreen friend as we have seen in the past. Evan Bourne has also teamed with Cena. As for The Miz? Well he is the black sheep. He offers to help Cena out and put everything behind them. Miz also has a beef with The Rock after the way he humiliated him at WM27. Cena stupidly accepts his help after weeks of will he wont he.

Miz costs Cena's team the match. The Rocks team reigns supreme. Cena goes over at WM28 making it 1-1 in the fued.

As for the rest of the card...Undertaker, Triple H, CM Punk, Mysterio, Del Rio, Morrison, Christian, Sheamus, Barrett, Ziggler should be enough to make it look strong.
