Lollipop Flower Pot Valentines Day Gift

Publish date: 2024-05-04

Here is a cute and easy gift for Valentine’s Day. It can also serve as a table centerpiece.

Lollipop Flower PotSupplies:

Small Flower Pot
Spray Paint Primer and Red Spray Paint
Small Heart Shaped Cookie Cutter
Red, Pink and/or White Construction Paper
Playdough (or strong flower styrofoam to hold suckers in place)
Red Confetti or Valentine’s Candy
Index Card


1. Spray primer on the flower pot. When dry, spray paint with red. Allow to dry.

2. Use a heart shaped cookie cutter to form the leaves of a flower. Cut out and glue to the back of a lollipop. Tie a ribbon around the lollipop stick.

3. When the flower pot is dry, form playdough in the bottom (halfway full or more) to hold the lollipops in place. Put a layer of plastic wrap on top of the playdough, and top with red confetti or Valentine’s candy.

4. Cut out a piece of index card to write a little note like “May our love/friendship keep growing!”

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