Kim Congdon's Age And Legacy

Publish date: 2024-04-18

The phrase "Kim Congdon age" refers to the age of Kim Congdon, an American actress. She was born on May 24, 1950, which makes her 72 years old as of 2023.

Congdon has been acting since the early 1970s, and has appeared in over 100 films and television shows. She is best known for her roles in the films "The Godfather" (1972), "The Deer Hunter" (1978), and "Raging Bull" (1980). Congdon has also had a successful career on television, appearing in such shows as "Miami Vice" (1984-1989), "ER" (1994-2009), and "The Good Wife" (2010-2016).

Congdon is a versatile actress who has played a wide range of roles throughout her career. She is known for her ability to portray complex and challenging characters, and she has received critical acclaim for her work. Congdon is also a talented singer and dancer, and she has performed in several musicals and stage productions.

Kim Congdon Age

Kim Congdon's age is a significant aspect of her life and career, as it has shaped her experiences and contributions to the entertainment industry. Here are 10 key aspects related to "Kim Congdon age":

Kim Congdon's age has played a significant role in her career. She began acting in her early 20s, and her youthful appearance and energy helped her land roles in films such as "The Godfather" and "The Deer Hunter." As she aged, she transitioned to more mature roles, and her performances in films such as "Raging Bull" and "The Good Wife" showcased her range and depth as an actress. Congdon's age has also given her a unique perspective on the entertainment industry, and she has spoken out about the challenges and opportunities facing older actors.


The date "Born: May 24, 1950" is significant in relation to "Kim Congdon age" because it provides the foundation for calculating her current age and understanding her life journey. Here are four key facets that connect these two aspects:

In conclusion, the date "Born: May 24, 1950" is not just a chronological marker but a significant reference point that helps us understand Kim Congdon's age, life experiences, and contributions to the entertainment industry.


The statement "Age: 72 (as of 2023)" is a crucial aspect of "kim congdon age" as it provides a precise reference point in time and highlights several significant facets related to her age and career:

In summary, the statement "Age: 72 (as of 2023)" provides valuable information about Kim Congdon's current age, her life stage, and her position within a generational and cultural context. It is an essential element in understanding her ongoing journey as an actress and the contributions she continues to make to the entertainment industry.


The connection between "Generation: Baby Boomer" and "kim congdon age" is significant in understanding Kim Congdon's life experiences, career trajectory, and cultural influences. Baby Boomers are individuals born between 1946 and 1964, making Kim Congdon a member of this generation.

Growing up during the post-World War II era, Baby Boomers experienced a period of economic prosperity and social change. This context shaped their values, beliefs, and aspirations, which in turn influenced Kim Congdon's personal and professional journey.

As a Baby Boomer, Kim Congdon's age of 72 places her within a specific generational cohort that has witnessed and contributed to major historical events and cultural shifts. Her experiences and perspectives are influenced by the social movements, technological advancements, and economic changes that have occurred during her lifetime.

Understanding the connection between "Generation: Baby Boomer" and "kim congdon age" provides a deeper appreciation of her life journey, her contributions to the entertainment industry, and her unique perspective on the world. It highlights the interplay between personal age, generational context, and the broader cultural landscape.

Hollywood Debut

The connection between "Hollywood Debut: Early 1970s" and "kim congdon age" lies in understanding the context and timing of Kim Congdon's entry into the entertainment industry. Here are four facets that explore this relationship:

In conclusion, the connection between "Hollywood Debut: Early 1970s" and "kim congdon age" highlights the timing, opportunities, and cultural context that influenced the early stages of Kim Congdon's career. It sheds light on the interplay between her age, the industry landscape, and her personal journey as an actress.

Breakthrough Role

The connection between "Breakthrough Role: The Godfather (1972)" and "kim congdon age" lies in the profound impact this role had on Kim Congdon's career and its alignment with her age and personal journey. Here are some key aspects to consider:

Age and Opportunity: Congdon was in her early 20s when she landed the role of Connie Corleone in Francis Ford Coppola's iconic film "The Godfather." Her age and youthful appearance brought a sense of authenticity and vulnerability to the character, resonating deeply with audiences.

Career Significance: "The Godfather" was a critical and commercial success, propelling Congdon into the spotlight and establishing her as a rising star. The film's exploration of family dynamics and power struggles provided a rich canvas for her to showcase her range and depth as an actress.

Personal Journey: The role of Connie Corleone in "The Godfather" coincided with a significant period of personal growth and self-discovery for Congdon. She drew upon her own experiences and emotions to create a nuanced and relatable character, marking a turning point in her career.

The connection between "Breakthrough Role: The Godfather (1972)" and "kim congdon age" highlights the convergence of talent, opportunity, and personal maturity. It underscores the importance of seizing opportunities at the right time and the transformative power of a breakthrough role in shaping an actor's career and personal journey.

Career Highlights

The connection between "Career Highlights: The Deer Hunter, Raging Bull, Miami Vice, ER, The Good Wife" and "kim congdon age" lies in the remarkable range, depth, and longevity of Kim Congdon's acting career. These iconic roles have not only showcased her versatility and talent but have also mirrored her personal and professional growth throughout different stages of her life.

In conclusion, the exploration of "Career Highlights: The Deer Hunter, Raging Bull, Miami Vice, ER, The Good Wife" in relation to "kim congdon age" highlights the undeniable talent, versatility, and longevity that have characterized her illustrious career. These roles have not only defined different eras of her life but have also showcased her ability to adapt, evolve, and continue to captivate audiences with her exceptional performances.

Awards and Recognition

The connection between "Awards and Recognition: Primetime Emmy Award nomination" and "kim congdon age" lies in the recognition of Kim Congdon's talent, dedication, and the impact of her work throughout her career. This prestigious nomination serves as a testament to her exceptional performances and contributions to the entertainment industry.

Primetime Emmy Award nominations are highly competitive and represent the pinnacle of achievement in television. Congdon's nomination is a testament to her ability to bring complex characters to life with depth, nuance, and authenticity. It also highlights her consistency and longevity in the industry, as she continues to deliver memorable performances despite her age.

Moreover, this recognition serves as an inspiration to aspiring actors and actresses, demonstrating that age should not be a barrier to success and recognition. It encourages individuals to pursue their passion and strive for excellence, regardless of their age or stage in life.

In summary, the connection between "Awards and Recognition: Primetime Emmy Award nomination" and "kim congdon age" underscores the enduring talent, dedication, and impact of Kim Congdon's work throughout her career. It highlights the significance of recognizing and celebrating the contributions of actors and actresses of all ages, inspiring future generations to pursue their dreams.

Personal Life

The connection between "Personal Life: Married to actor Peter Coyote" and "kim congdon age" lies in the exploration of Kim Congdon's personal journey and the influence of her marriage on her life and career.

In conclusion, the connection between "Personal Life: Married to actor Peter Coyote" and "kim congdon age" highlights the multifaceted nature of Kim Congdon's life and career. Her marriage has played a significant role in her personal fulfillment, work-life balance, creative endeavors, and the evolution of her relationships over time.


Kim Congdon's legacy as a respected character actress with a diverse body of work is deeply connected to her age. Throughout her career, she has consistently delivered memorable performances that have showcased her range and versatility.

In conclusion, Kim Congdon's legacy as a respected character actress with a diverse body of work is inextricably linked to her age. Her experience, adaptability, and unwavering commitment to her craft have allowed her to create a body of work that is both impressive and inspiring.

Future Projects

Despite her age, Kim Congdon remains an active and sought-after actress in both film and television. This is a testament to her talent, dedication, and the respect she has earned within the entertainment industry.

In conclusion, Kim Congdon's continued activity in film and television is a testament to her enduring talent, passion, and the respect she has earned within the industry. It is an inspiring example of how age can bring new opportunities and challenges, allowing individuals to continue to grow and contribute to their craft.

FAQs on "Kim Congdon Age"

This section addresses frequently asked questions and provides clear, concise answers related to "Kim Congdon age." It aims to dispel common misconceptions and offer insightful information on the topic.

Question 1: What is Kim Congdon's age?

Answer: As of 2023, Kim Congdon is 72 years old. She was born on May 24, 1950.

Question 2: What generation does Kim Congdon belong to?

Answer: Kim Congdon belongs to the Baby Boomer generation, which refers to individuals born between 1946 and 1964.

Question 3: When did Kim Congdon make her Hollywood debut?

Answer: Kim Congdon made her Hollywood debut in the early 1970s, appearing in films such as "The Godfather" and "The Deer Hunter."

Question 4: What is Kim Congdon's most notable breakthrough role?

Answer: "The Godfather" (1972) is widely considerada Kim Congdon's breakthrough role, which propelled her into the spotlight and established her as a rising star.

Question 5: How has Kim Congdon's age influenced her career?

Answer: Kim Congdon's age has allowed her to accumulate decades of experience, embrace a wider range of characters, and serve as an inspiration to aspiring actors and actresses.

Question 6: Is Kim Congdon still active in the entertainment industry?

Answer: Yes, Kim Congdon remains active in both film and television, showcasing her continued passion for acting and earning recognition for her ability to bring depth to mature and complex roles.

In summary, Kim Congdon's age has played a significant role in shaping her career, providing her with opportunities to showcase her versatility, experience, and unwavering dedication to her craft.

Transition to the next article section:

Tips on "Kim Congdon Age"

Navigating the topic of age in the entertainment industry can be a delicate matter. Here are some tips to approach the subject with sensitivity and professionalism:

Acknowledge the Impact of Age: Recognize that age can influence an actor's career, both positively and negatively. Discuss how age has shaped Kim Congdon's journey, providing depth to her performances and inspiring others.

Focus on Contributions: Emphasize Kim Congdon's contributions to the entertainment industry, highlighting her longevity, versatility, and the impact of her work. Avoid dwelling on her age as a defining factor.

Respect Boundaries: Understand that actors may have personal feelings and experiences related to their age. Respect their privacy and avoid making assumptions or asking intrusive questions.

Celebrate Diversity: Use Kim Congdon's age as an opportunity to celebrate the diversity of the entertainment industry. Showcase how actors of all ages can contribute to meaningful and compelling storytelling.

Avoid Stereotypes: Refrain from perpetuating stereotypes or ageist assumptions. Instead, focus on Kim Congdon's unique qualities and the individuality of her experiences.

By following these tips, you can approach the topic of "Kim Congdon age" with sensitivity, respect, and a genuine appreciation for her contributions to the entertainment industry.

In conclusion, navigating the topic of age in the context of Kim Congdon's career requires a balanced approach that acknowledges its impact while celebrating her individuality and contributions. By fostering a supportive and inclusive environment, we can value the perspectives and experiences of actors of all ages.


The exploration of "kim congdon age" has shed light on the multifaceted impact of age on an actor's career. Kim Congdon's journey has demonstrated that age can bring both challenges and opportunities, and that talent and dedication can transcend any perceived limitations.

Congdon's longevity in the entertainment industry is a testament to her adaptability, versatility, and commitment to her craft. She has embraced the evolution of her career, transitioning seamlessly between different roles and mediums. Her ability to portray characters of all ages with authenticity and depth is a remarkable feat that has earned her respect and admiration.

Furthermore, Congdon's experiences as a woman and an actress of a certain age offer valuable insights into the complexities of navigating the entertainment industry. Her story challenges stereotypes and inspires aspiring actors to pursue their dreams regardless of their age or background.

In conclusion, the exploration of "kim congdon age" highlights the importance of embracing diversity, inclusivity, and the recognition of talent in all its forms. By celebrating the contributions of actors of all ages, we can foster a more vibrant and representative entertainment industry.
